#!/bin/bash #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Setup #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ comp_id="<your comp-id>" comp_name="<comp name>" env_id="<env-id>" comp_proc_id="comp_process id” # D version_id="comp version id" ucd_url="https://ucd.jupiter.com" payload_filename="payload.json" top_level_resource='/my reourse - /UTIL' host="nuptune" agent_level_resource=${host} resource_parent="${top_level_resource}/${agent_level_resource}" user="bob" #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Functions #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function create_payload(){ echo "RUNNING: java -jar ~/udclient/udclient.jar -username $user -weburl $ucd_url getResources -parent \"${resource_parent}\"" resource_id=$(java -jar ~/udclient/udclient.jar -username $user -weburl $ucd_url getResources -parent "${resource_parent}" | \ grep $comp_name -B 2 | grep id | sed -e s/'"id": "'// | sed -e s/'",'// | xargs) echo "{\"environmentId\":\"${env_id}\",\"resourceId\":\"${resource_id}\",\"componentProcessId\":\"${comp_proc_id}\",\"versionId\":\ \"${version_id}\",\"properties\":{}}" > $payload_filename } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Main #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ create_payload curl -v -k ${ucd_url}/rest/deploy/component/${comp_id}/runProcess -u "${user}:${DS_PASSWORD}" -X PUT --data @${payload_filename}
The UrbanCode Runbook
Saturday, 13 January 2018
Run a UCD component process programatically
Saturday, 8 October 2016
Groovy Regular Expressions
A simple example to separate letter and numbers. In this case I have an environment variable which I want to separate into designation (UAT) and number (05)
The output is ...
def env = "UAT05"
def result = env =~ /(\w*?)(\d+)/ def envName = result[0][1] def envNumber = result[0][2] println "ENV NAME: " + envName println "ENV NUMBER: " + envNumber
The output is ...
Notice the question mark in the regex (\w*?) ... this means non-greedy
If not used the result would have been ...
Things will make more sense if you take a look at element zero of result...
println "RESULT " + result[0]
The output is ...
RESULT : [UAT05, UAT, 05]
RESULT : [UAT05, UAT, 05]
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Extending the UDRestClient class in a plugin step
// -------------------------------------------------- // Absorb.groovy // Author: Bob Clarke // Date: 15/08/2016 // -------------------------------------------------- import com.urbancode.air.AirPluginTool import com.urbancode.ud.client.* import org.apache.http.HttpResponse import org.apache.http.client.methods.* import groovy.json.JsonSlurper def apTool = new AirPluginTool(this.args[0], this.args[1]) def props = apTool.getStepProperties() applicationName = props['application'] environmentName = props['environment'] snapshotName = props['snapshot'] weburl = System.getenv("AH_WEB_URL") udUser = apTool.getAuthTokenUsername() udPass = apTool.getAuthToken() pluginDev = System.getenv("PLUGIN_DEV") // Check if we're being invoked from UrbanCode or via a command line test rig if (pluginDev.equals("yes")){ println "MANUAL CREDS" udUser = props['udUser'] udPass = props['udPass'] } // -------------------------------------------------- // Main // -------------------------------------------------- BOBUCRestClient restClient = new BOBUCRestClient(new URI(weburl), udUser, udPass) def applicationId = restClient.getApplicationId(applicationName) def snapshotId = restClient.getSnapshotId(applicationName, snapshotName) def environmentId = restClient.getEnvironmentId(applicationName, environmentName) restClient.getEnvPropsForSnapshot(applicationId, environmentId, snapshotId) // -------------------------------------------------- // Classes and Functions // -------------------------------------------------- public class BOBUCRestClient extends UDRestClient {
public BOBUCRestClient(URI url, String clientUser, String clientPassword) {
super(url, clientUser, clientPassword) } public getApplicationId(String applicationName){ String endpoint = "${url}/cli/application/info?application=${applicationName}" println "\nGetting ID of application: ${applicationName}" println "REST call is: ${endpoint}" HttpGet method = new HttpGet(endpoint) HttpResponse response = invokeMethod(method) String body = getBody(response) def slurper = new JsonSlurper() def json = slurper.parseText(body.toString()) println "ID is ${json.id}" return(json.id) } public getSnapshotId(String applicationName, String snapshotName){ String endpoint = "${url}/cli/snapshot/getSnapshot?application=${applicationName}&snapshot=${snapshotName}" println "\nGetting ID of snapshot: ${snapshotName}" println "REST call is: ${endpoint}" HttpGet method = new HttpGet(endpoint) HttpResponse response = invokeMethod(method) String body = getBody(response) def slurper = new JsonSlurper() def json = slurper.parseText(body.toString()) println "ID is ${json.id}" return(json.id) } public getEnvironmentId(String applicationName, String environmentName){ String endpoint = "${url}/cli/environment/info?application=${applicationName}&environment=${environmentName}" println "\nGetting ID of environment: ${environmentName}" println "REST call is: ${endpoint}" HttpGet method = new HttpGet(endpoint) HttpResponse response = invokeMethod(method) String body = getBody(response) def slurper = new JsonSlurper() def json = slurper.parseText(body.toString()) println "ID is ${json.id}" return(json.id) } public getEnvPropsForSnapshot(String applicationId, String environmentId, String snapshotId){ String endpoint = "${url}/rest/deploy/snapshot/${snapshotId}/configurationByPath/applications/${applicationId}/environments/${environmentId}/properties" println "\nGetting name, path, version and versionCount" println "REST call is: ${endpoint}\n" HttpGet method = new HttpGet(endpoint) HttpResponse response = invokeMethod(method) String body = getBody(response) def slurper = new JsonSlurper() def json = slurper.parseText(body.toString()) json.each{ println "Component ${it.name}" println " Version is ${it.version}" println " VersionCount is ${it.versionCount}" def propsId = it.path.split("/").last() println " propsId is ${propsId}" if(it.version != it.versionCount){ println "\t${it.name} env props version is at ${it.version} however there are ${it.versionCount} versions available" println "\tSetting ${it.name} env props to version ${it.versionCount}" def endpoint2 = "${url}/rest/deploy/snapshot/${snapshotId}/configuration/applications%26${applicationId}%26environments%26${environmentId}%26properties%26${propsId}/${it.versionCount}" println "REST call is: ${endpoint2} -X PUT\n" HttpPut method2 = new HttpPut(endpoint2) HttpResponse response2 = invokeMethod(method2) } } } }
Nice Urbancode Trick to customise results for HTTP Select
HTTP select works well when you’re returning a JSON doc, however what if you want to define a single property which contains an array and you want to display this array in a drop down. The answer is to make the property value a JSON doc in itself
First, create the new property containing a JSON array of custom items you want to display (i.e. things you can’t get from the standard UC REST interface
You can now call this via REST as follows (In this case I’ve define this as an application property)…
Now define an application or component process prop as follows
Now when you run the process you’ll be able to set your input with an item from your custom array ….
Sunday, 2 October 2016
Generate an UrbanCode process programatically
[ "$1" != "" ] || {
echo "Please supply process name"
exit 1
cat /dev/null > tmp.json
cat <<EOF > tmp.json
"description": "",
"name": "$1",
"notificationScheme": "DefaultnotofocationScheme",
"properties": {
"foo": "bar"
"rootActivity": {
"type": "graph",
"name": "generated",
"edges": [
"to": "task",
"type": "ALWAYS",
"value": ""
"to": "ae2de8fcf2e3b56bcb2fe451ff9db8",
"from": "task",
"type": "SUCCESS",
"value": ""
"children": [
"type": "finish",
"name": "ae2de8fcf2e3b56bcb2fe451ff9db8",
"children": []
"commentRequired": false,
"commentPrompt": "",
"templateName": "TaskCreated",
"userNames": "",
"groupNames": "",
"propDefs": [],
"type": "manualTask",
"name": "task",
"children": []
"workingDir": "${p:resource\\/work.dir}\\/${p:process.name}"
result=$(curl -k -u '<user>:>password>' 'https://<host>:<port>/cli/process/create' -X PUT --data-binary @tmp.json)
echo "RESULT: $result"
echo ""
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Construct a JSON document with groovy.json.JsonBuilder
def builder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder() def myMap = [:] myMap.put('name', 'Dynamically generated approval Pprocess') myMap.put('rootActivity', ['type':'graph']) myMap['rootActivity'] += ['name':'auto']
builder.call( myMap )
println builder.toPrettyString()
Saturday, 1 October 2016
UrbanCode REST interfaces
Although you'll find official documentation on UrbanCode's REST interface on IBM's website here, this only covers part of the available API
There's a lot more available ....
Take a look in $UC_SERVER_INST_DIR/opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml and you'll spot entries such as ...
API info on each of the above can be found by appending application.wadl to each context root
For example:
There's a lot more available ....
Take a look in $UC_SERVER_INST_DIR/opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml and you'll spot entries such as ...
/rest/* /property/* /security/* /cli/* /cli-internal/* /codestation/v1/*
API info on each of the above can be found by appending application.wadl to each context root
For example:
https://localhost:9443/rest/application.wadl https://localhost:9443/property/application.wadl
Friday, 12 August 2016
How to set output properties from within a custom Urbancode plugin step
Assuming you’ve imported AirPluginTool and have instantiated as follows …
import com.urbancode.air.AirPluginTool def apTool = new AirPluginTool(this.args[0], this.args[1])
Then you can set outputs props for this step as follows
apTool.outProps.put("prope name", "prop value") apTool.setOutputProperties()
apTool.outProps.put("componentsInSnapshot", componentNamesString.toString() ) apTool.setOutputProperties()
The property can now be accessed in the usual way by other steps in you process - i.e. ${p:step name/property name}
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Run an external command from Groovy and wait for output
// Set up StringBuilders to use for capturing STDOUT and STDERR
def sout = new StringBuilder() def serr = new StringBuilder()
// Define the command to run def cmd = "java -jar ~/urbancode/agent/opt/udclient/udclient.jar \ --weburl https://localhost:8443 \ --username admin --password admin getSnapshotsInApplication \ --application Galaxy"
// Run the command
def process = cmd.execute()
// Wait for the process to return and place the resultant STDOUT and STDERR
// into the SringBuilder objects we defined earlier process.waitForProcessOutput(sout, serr)
// Print STDOUT and STDERR println sout println serr
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Friday, 13 May 2016
Create configuration file templates programatically
The UrbanCode REST interface has a nice function for creating Configuration file templates.
First you need to create some JSON specifying the name of the template, the component ID and the contents of the template.
You'll notice that I've chosen to use a variable from a previous process step (the process step is named "Read Templates" and the property is called xpath.template.contents) into which I've read the contents of the template I need to create.
Now all we need to do is call the REST interface to create the template - Here's an example of how to do this in a Groovy process step
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Groovy snippet to resolve component ID from name
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up //------------------------------------------------------------------- import groovy.json.JsonSlurper slurper = new JsonSlurper() serverUrl = 'https://localhost:9443' client = '/Users/clarkeb/urbancode/agent/opt/udclient/udclient.jar' token = '42cf3d77-607d-4b4e-aafe-c4d36b89a318' String compName = args[0] //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main //------------------------------------------------------------------- String compId = getCompId(compName) println compId //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Subs //------------------------------------------------------------------- String getCompId (String componentName) { def command = ['java', '-jar', client, '--authtoken', token, '--weburl', serverUrl, 'getComponent', '--component', componentName]
def result = command.execute() def json = result.text def compId = slurper.parseText(json).id return(compId) }
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